The Waymaker Youth Mission
Know. Love. Serve.
Waymaker Youth Mission is dedicated to help viewers know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. We are a non-profit organization trying to create an online ministry. Please check out our Bible Study page and sign up for one of our Bible Studies. Thanks again for coming and viewing this website.
Poem Series: Part 17: Lord, Send Me!
Poem Series Part 16: The Freedom Chorus
Poem Series Part 15: The Notes
Book Review: Turning Points
Poem Series Part 14: Are Charismatic Manaics? No!
Church History Series: Liberation Theology Takedown
Liberation Theology Series: Part 1: How Socialism does not help our economy?
Prophecy: What does the Bible Say about End Times?
Chapter 3: The Campaign
Chapter 2: The President's Death
Doctrinal Summary regarding Salvation
Chapter 1: McGuffey's Darkcon Mountain Hideout
Doctrinal Study: The Meaning and Purpose of Life based on Solomon's reflection in Ecclesiastes.
Principle 2: Your purpose is become a Child of God and reflect Christlikeness (John 1:12-13).
Principle 1: Do not use God's grace as a License to do Evil. (Jude 1:3-4). Updated 5/29/2021
Reliance on God or Satan
Coronavirus Poem 14: The Struggles of a Writer
Welcome to Waymaker Youth Mission
Coronavirus Poem 13: America, What are you doing
Andrew Hawkins Biography